Covid-19 Coronovirus
Information Page
Update 9/17/21
As most of you have seen we are in the midst of an uptick of Covid cases in our community. The delta variant has made an upswing in the amount of transmission in Lycoming County and in the State of Pennsylvania. I am hopeful that this increase will burn itself out quickly and we will return to low transmission levels in the near future.
With this said, I want to thank you all for doing such a great job in preventing the spread of covid in our church. Now is not the time to let down on our diligence in protecting the most vulnerable among us. I want to encourage all of you to practice common sense prevention strategies during this time. If you or a family member are sick or running a fever please stay home and join us by live stream until you are feeling better. If you or a family member is directly exposed or tests positive for covid please follow CDC guidelines for quarantining. When you are at church hand sanitizer is provided at all entrances. If you are unvaccinated, or you are in a higher risk health category, consider if wearing a mask and limiting physical contact is in your best interest.
I understand that there are many varying views on all these issues. We are simply asking that the members of the church use common sense in lessening the exposure risk to themselves and to those in our faith community. Remember that the people around you may be at high risk even if you are not. If you are in a high risk category or feel particularly vulnerable we maintain the mask requirement, separate entrance, social distancing, and increased cleaning practices in the fireside room to give you a place to worship with us in the safest environment we can provide.
Let’s all pray together that this will soon come to an end and until it does work diligently to respect and protect each other and our families.
Update 6/02/21
Letter from Pastor Dan
Over the last few weeks we have seen a dramatic drop in covid transmission rates due to vaccination and infection recovery and life is slowly returning to normal. Our State is fully reopening and slowly returning to normal life. As a result, as of June 1, 2021, Friends Church is dropping its masking recommendation and no contact requests. For those who have not been vaccinated it is still prudent to consider your risk when deciding how to follow the CDC recommendations. We will continue to have the Refuge in place (Fireside Room) where masks and social distancing are required.
As we navigate a post-covid world and return to normal patterns I hope that you will all consider the appropriate time to return to regular in-person worship as well. Our faith was designed by God to be lived out in the context of community and without that local church community something is missing. The greatest loss of the last year has been the warmth and love shared in personal contact, hand-shakes, and hugs shared among those who love each other in Christ. Beginning the first Sunday in June I will be returning (fully vaccinated) to the rear doors of the Sanctuary to greet all who come with a kind hello, a elbow or fist bump, a handshake or a hug whatever you are comfortable with.
I want to take this time to thank all of you for your patience and flexibility as we have walked through this very difficult journey. I long to see you all face to face.
Pastor Dan
Updated 4/29/21 2:30pm
Thank you for your patience last week as we recommended a live stream only service. While this is an inconvenience to some, it is of utmost importance for us to do all we can to keep the vulnerable within our church family safe.
With that said, we are glad to report that we have had only 2 new covid cases in our church family this week. These folks were not at our services on the 18. Therefore, we are opening our service back up this week. Please consider returning to the live service on May 2nd if your circumstances warrant your safe attendance. We will maintain our ongoing policy of requesting that you wear a mask from the front doors to your seats. You are free to remove your mask if you desire once seated and comfortably socially distanced from those around you. As a reminder, we have the Fireside Room as a place in which the highest mitigation efforts are enforced. In the Fireside room we are requiring masks and family units to sit at separate tables.
If you have any questions or concerns about this please contact the church office at 570.584.2686. Thank you and please keep praying for the families that are still battling the recent outbreak of Covid.
Updated 4/23/21 - 11am
This week we have become aware of several people within our congregation who have tested positive for Covid-19. We do not believe that anyone was infected during a worship service or at any group gathering at our church. With the rise of viral spread in our close community we have decided to take the following steps:
We are recommending (for this Sunday April 25, 2021) that everyone who is not vaccinated (or has natural immunity from having covid and recovering fully) join us by live stream this week.
The church will remain open for live worship, however, each person should, as always, assess their own risk from the virus in making plans to join us in person.
We continue to ask those of you who come in person to follow social distancing protocols and to wear a mask at least until you reach your seat. Masks are recommended during the entire service and required in the Fireside Room at all times.
There will be no in person children’s programs this week.
Pastor Matt’s Sunday School class will meet via Zoom meeting.
All other Sunday School classes are cancelled for this week.
We expect this to be a one week recommendation but will be issuing further updates each week as new information becomes available.
As always we remind you that gathering in groups during this pandemic inherently increases the risk of spread and everyone who comes does so at your own risk.
Updated 4/21/21:
It has come to our attention that there are two more people who have tested positive for COVID-19. Ben Heinrich and Laura McGovern have both tested positive and were in church on Sunday. Per CDC guidelines, if you were in contact with either of these individuals for more than 15 minutes, without a mask, and within six feet, you should quarantine. Please keep the Heinrich and McGovern families in prayer as they quarantine. Please note, that all of the cases that have been reported this week have come from outside of the church. At this point, all services and ministries will continue as normal, but we will inform you if for some reason that changes with added cases. Thank you for your prayers and understanding.
If you have any questions or concerns please call Pastor Dan at the office.
Updated 4/20/21:
It has come to our attention that Terry & Jo Miller have tested positive for COVID-19. Please keep them in your prayers as they are at home in quarantine. Following the CDC guidelines, if you have had prolonged exposure (more than 15 minutes), within 6 feet, and unmasked, to either of the Miller's you should quarantine for 10 days. For exposure to Terry, you should only quarantine if you have been exposed to him since Friday April 16th. For Jo you should only quarantine if you have been exposed to her since Saturday April 17th. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call Pastor Matt at the church office.
Updated 3/23/2021
It has come to our attention that two possible covid exposures happened at Friends Church this week and we are taking appropriate measures to notify everyone involved.
The first involved the Little Friends Day School. A family member of our teacher was diagnosed today as being Covid positive. Our teacher has no symptoms but as a precaution we are closing the school for this week and will be returning next week with a substitute teacher until Ms. Jenny clears her quarantine.
The second involved a student in our youth group. The family of the student have all tested positive today with Covid. We are treating the situation as if the student were covid positive even though results have not yet been received. Parents of teens who may have been exposed on Wednesday night are being notified.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call Pastor Dan at the church office.
Updated 12/04/2020
Due to the steep rise in covid-19 cases and circulating virus in Lycoming County this week, we have decided to take the following steps:
We are recommending, to our entire congregation, that you remain at home this Sunday (Dec 6th) and join our worship by live stream. We are not closing our doors but want everyone to understand the increased risk of exposure if you come.
We continue to ask those of you who come in person to follow social distancing protocols and to wear a mask at least until you reach your seat. Masks are recommended during the entire service and required in the Fireside Room at all times.
There will be no in person children’s programs this week. Advent packets are available either for pick up at the church or by email.
Youth and Adult Sunday Schools will be either cancelled or via Webex (details to follow as they are available).
We expect this to be a one week recommendation but will be issuing further updates each week as new information becomes available.
As always we remind you that gathering in groups during this pandemic inherently increases the risk of spread and everyone who comes does so at your own risk.
Masking Guidlines
Let me clarify our position. With covid cases rising in Lycoming County we are trying to accomplish three things:
First we want to keep our people safe while gathering together to worship. I understand that for most healthy people this is a mild virus but not everyone who comes to Friends church is in that category. We are trying to provide a safe place for everyone to worship and that sometimes means voluntarily giving up certain freedoms in order to protect other people. This is in keeping with the Biblical standard that we are to “consider others as more important than ourselves”.
Secondly our desire is to keep the church open for everyone who desires to come and worship. If we have a major outbreak in our community or in our church body it could lead to closing the doors for a short period and going to only the live stream. We want to avoid that by every means possible.
Thirdly, we want to be a good witness to our community. Paul reminds us in Romans 14:16 “do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil”. All across the country governors have moved to close churches out of fear. Pennsylvania has chosen not to do this and we do not want to give them any reason to begin now.
Let me say that we have never nor do we ever plan to turn anyone away from worship services at Friends Church. In the highly charged atmosphere of this covid pandemic we understand that people have made differing choices on mask usage for different reasons.
The government guidelines are clear and we recommend everyone abide by those guidelines. However, we are asking everyone to abide by social distancing guidelines and please wear a mask at least until you are seated in your pew. If you are not feeling well we ask you to please stay home. We are asking for your cooperation not demanding it. The decision to enter into worship with large groups carries with it inherent risk and we who worship here together take that risk together.
It is my prayer that our attempt to protect our congregation to the best of our ability will not become a point of contention among us. I pray that, with or without masks, we will love each other even as Christ has loved us. Again I apologize for what happened this morning and ask for your grace as we forge through the next few months.
We are excited about the upcoming school year that is about to begin. We are excited because even though the Covid pandemic continues to impact our community we are able to send our children back to school and some semblance of normalcy. At this point students are even preparing for the fall sports kickoff. The stands may be empty but the kids will still be able to play. We rejoice in even the small blessings.
School starting back presents us with many uncertainties. What will happen over the next few months? Will Covid continue to simmer and smolder beneath the surface or will we see major outbreaks in communities like ours who have been largely spared up till now? Will school continue through the year or will we be beset with frequent shutdowns, re-openings, and online learning? These issues and many others are the reality we are facing over the next few months.
With this in mind let me ask you to help us in a few ways:
Please be mindful of the risks we take as a church both for our vulnerable members as well as for liability in this litigious and increasingly hostile environment. Please help us by following social distancing rules, moving conversations outside, and wearing masks when you cannot be socially distanced from others.
Stay in close contact with us. Our limited staff cannot always stay in close contact with the hundreds of people who call Friends Church home. We need your help to know your needs, struggles, and concerns. Reach out to us and I promise you will always find a hand reaching back. If loss of work has caused financial hardship we have funds available to help.
Be ready for any emergency closures that may be needed. If a large outbreak is suspected in our community we may make the call to go live-stream only for a short time (7-14 days) to protect our congregation and our community witness. This may affect small groups, worship services or both. We will use every means at our disposal to keep you informed promptly in case this happens. As with weather emergencies during the winter we will post closings to the website, facebook page, answering machine, and we will use the one-call-now system we have in place. (If you are not on the one-call-now list please contact the church office right away.)
Show grace and mercy to others. It has become obvious over the past months that this is not only a health crisis it is a political one as well. I understand the frustration people are feeling, however, defending the gospel of Christ is far more important than our personal or political beliefs. Please be kind to others even if you disagree with them.
A recent Barna study shows that 1 in 3 people who moved from live church to live-stream church at the beginning of the Covid closures have now left the church. For millennials, our young adults, 1 in 2 have stopped attending by live-stream. These numbers are discouraging but they reflect what we have seen anecdotally at our own church. If you are not comfortable joining us in person consider gathering with others in your home to form a home church watching the live-stream together. Pastor Dan will have resources available to help you.
Know that we are here to support you in any way we can.
Pastor Dan
Updated 7/11/2020
Our worship service on Sunday will look just like it did prior to last week. Masks are being required in the Fireside Room to protect our most vulnerable. Masks are highly recommended in the sanctuary. Hand sanitizer is available at all entrances. Please spread out in the sanctuary as much as possible by family groups and reserve longer conversations for out of doors. Thank you.
Updated 7/2/2020
New Mask Mandate Changes
Due to the new PA mask mandate issued yesterday, our worship service will be held outside this Sunday, 7/5. Please bring lawn chairs, sunscreen, umbrellas, water, whatever you need to be comfortable. Masks will not be necessary as long as you choose to sit in family groups at least 6 feet apart. If you want to sit closer than that or with your friends please plan to wear a mask. The service will be live-streamed on facebook. A pre-recorded message will be available on our youtube channel at 9 am. It will not be the entire service.
We ask that you please be flexible and respectful this week as we buy some time in figuring out what our longer term plan will be. Thanks!
Updated 6/3/2020
Children’s, Youth, Sunday School Re-Opening
June 21st
The Elder Board has agreed that with the move of Lycoming County to Green Phase of re-opening that we will move quickly forward into stage two of our re-opening process. Starting June 21 we will re-open children’s, youth, and Sunday School ministries. This will mean the return of Kingdom Seekers (9am), Kingdom Quest (10:30am), Kingdom Tots (nursery), Surge Student Ministry (10:30am), and some Adult Sunday School options.
Once again just because we are opening these ministries it does not mean that it is the right time for you or your children to return. Each family must assess their own risks and determine when it’s the right time to return. You should be aware that children’s ministries will have some social distancing (as age allows) but no mask requirements.
Updated 5/27/20
Covid – 19 Reopening Update
Beginning 5/31/2020
The Elder Board of Friends Church voted Tuesday May 26 to move forward with stage one of our phased re-opening plan. This means we will be open for live worship this Sunday May 31, 2020.
For the next few weeks there will be no live Children’s ministry, nursery, or Youth ministry available on Sundays. We hope to be able to resume those activities sometime in June or July. Please feel free to bring your children to worship. A little extra noise and fidgeting won’t hurt us and will be a great benefit for them. We want you to worship with our family as a family.
For those not returning to in person worship we recommend that you begin or join a Home Church (a small group of people gathered together for worship using our live stream broadcast). For more information about Home Churches please call Pastor Dan at the office.
There are a number of things you should keep in mind when you decide it is the right time for you and your family to return.
We recommend that people who are at higher risk continue to remain at home and join us by live stream. Just because we are gathering in person does not mean it is the best time for you to return. Gathering in large groups inherently increases the risk of spread of the Covid-19 virus and each person should assess their own risk and the risk of those around them when deciding the best time to return.
Please use common sense and stay home if you or any family member is sick or has been exposed to someone who has been sick.
No physical contact is requested throughout the church building to help with mitigating the risk of transmission.
Protective masks or face covering is recommended when entering the building and throughout the service in the Sanctuary.
Protective masks or face covering is required in the Fireside room as our highest mitigation area. The outside entrance to the Fireside room will also be unlocked to provide for entry without going through the foyer. The safest place for high risk people is at home, however, we are providing the Fireside room (The Refuge) as our higher risk mitigation area requiring masks and larger social distancing.
Hand sanitizer is available at all entrances. Surface sanitizer and hand soap is available in restrooms.
We are asking that social conversations be moved outdoors in the open parking lot area.
The children’s wing, office areas and basement are considered restricted areas to reduce the burden on our cleaning staff.
We ask that families stay together during service and space themselves 6 ft apart from other families in the sanctuary. Exiting the building immediately at the conclusion of the service is also recommended.
If a confirmed case of Covid-19 infection is discovered among our attendees we will notify the congregation immediately (while protecting the identity of the individual), and take appropriate steps to sanitize the building.
We realize that for some these measures may seem minimal for others they may seem excessive. We are asking all of our people to remember that we are working to protect the church, its people, and its reputation in the community. Should Covid-19 cases emerge in our congregation it not only puts people at risk but may lead to further closures or restrictions. Please help us by respecting the procedures we have put in place.
Updated 5/6/20 12pm
Covid-19 Re-Opening Update
The Elder Board of Friends Church met last night and approved the staged implementation of Phase One of our Re-Opening plan. We have adjusted the plan to accommodate new and increased information we have received about Pennsylvania’s re-opening plan. Below you will find important information on our current status. As we move through these early stages, at risk populations are encouraged to remain at home and join us by live stream and Web-Ex.
Live Worship Re-Opening Date
The question highest on everyone’s list is when we will be able to gather again for worship on Sunday mornings. We are taking a conservative approach to re-opening our worship services and have selected May 31 as our first live worship opening. This allows us to see what is going to happen when Lycoming County re-opens on May 8 and to assess the risks of gathering in large groups. More information on these services and requirements will follow as the date grows closer.
House Churches
With the end of stay at home orders we are recommending that people begin to gather together in home churches to view the live-stream together. Gatherings of two or three families will provide a place for fellowship (koinonia) and group worship. Starting this week Pastor Dan will be providing small group discussion questions that can be used for conversation in these house churches. If you want a copy of these questions or want to start a home church call the church office and we will get you started. We hope that house churches will continue to meet for those who are at high risk or concerned about gathering with large groups for as long as needed.
Life Group Re-Opening
Life groups (with the exception of Sunday School) are allowed to begin in person meetings as of May 11. Sunday School teachers may choose to go live by selecting an alternative time for their meetings.
Written guidelines for life group leaders will be provided setting expectations for all sanctioned in-person gatherings.
Life group leaders should consider whether they can offer in person meetings in a safe way before deciding to re-open. Leaders will be in touch with their groups to communicate live opening dates and social distancing guidelines that will be required of those who attend live.
Life group leaders are encouraged to maintain a web-ex component alongside their live meeting to allow people who are not comfortable returning to join.
Life group leaders should agree to following the provided guidance for social distancing before re-opening their small groups.
The fireside room will be set up following social distancing rules to allow for small group meetings at the church rather than in individual homes. These meetings should be scheduled through Jo Miller in the church office.
I am excited about our ability to begin to join together as the body of Christ. Live streaming and web-ex have served us well but they are not a substitute for the real fellowship of believers. The heart of the church can’t be experienced when we are separated by computer screens. Please be patient with us as we move slowly into the future trying to protect the most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters whom we care so much about. Please be cooperative and respect the social distancing practices that allow a safer place for everyone to worship. Paul writes to the church at Philippi “do not look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus…” (Phil 2:4-5). Thanks in advance for your cooperation and let’s come together with great joy and rejoicing in the days to come.
Updated 4/22/2020 6pm
Covid 19 Response and Re-opening Plan
The Elder Board of Friends church wants to remain in close communication with our members about ongoing issues related to our Covid-19 response. The following are important updates:
Payroll Protection Loan/Grant: We were not approved during the first round of funding for the Payroll Protection Loan. We are working with First Commonwealth Bank in Muncy to be ready for the next round of funding. This is an uncertain possibility at best.
Financial Position: Currently our giving has remained strong. From the beginning of the closures we suspended all discretionary spending and we are focusing on the essentials (utilities, necessities) and our ability to maintain our commitments to our staff. We want to remind you that online giving is available through our website (hughesvillefriends.org) and by mail or drop off at the church.
Stimulus Payments: Just a reminder that tax law for 2020 has been changed to favor non-profit organizations like ours.
As NPQ board member Gene Takagi details, the stimulus bill also contains a one-time, above-the-line deduction for cash contributions of up to $300 made to certain qualifying charities. All taxpayers would be eligible to take the deduction, even people who use the standard deduction. The incentive applies to contributions made in 2020 and would be claimed on tax forms next year. The new deduction would not apply to non-cash gifts or to gifts contributed to donor advised funds.
Phased Re-Opening: As the Federal and State government begins its process for re-opening the economy we are sure that many of you want to know what the plan is for re-opening the church. What follows is a broad view, three-phased approach approved last night by our Elder Board for restarting our public gatherings. As we move forward more details will be forthcoming on each phase:
Covid–19 Phased Re-Opening
During all three phases:
Cleaning staff will prioritize sanitizing rooms and spaces that are used during the week for any meetings (admin will keep list of rooms)
Anyone who is sick or running a fever (or has a family member who is) should stay home.
At risk populations as defined by the CDC should follow the advice of their health care provider when considering their risk of community exposure.
Use of protective equipment (masks, gloves etc) and social distancing should continue following recommended guidelines.
Phase One (this could be a long phase with small incremental roll outs)
All at risk populations are encouraged to remain at home
Small groups may resume in person meetings but should practice strict social distancing (use larger rooms, outdoor meetings, seat spacing, masks etc.)
Larger groups should continue to use electronic meetings (webex, zoom) or break up into smaller in person groups.
Continue live stream only services on Sunday – possible building of home church groups to gather (within guidelines) to watch and interact during live stream.
Large group summer activities still closed (VBS, Camps, etc)
Phase Two
Small groups continue with moderate social distance protocols in place (remember one active case inside the church could shut us down for two weeks)
Begin multiple in person worship times with a limit of 50 people (strategies will be developed to keep groups at this size limit).
High risk populations are advised to continue to remain at home and join via live stream. Consideration will be given to having a special service for at risk only populations using very strict social distancing and protective equipment.
Elder Board will give consideration to allowing large group activities to resume (VBS, Camps etc.) with possible changes to accommodate recommended social distancing guidelines based on local conditions and risk.
Phase Three
Return to one service on Sunday morning with a continued live stream “Virtual Campus” ministry.
Return to normal Sunday School activities.
All other activities should resume and each person should consider how to mitigate danger to at risk populations appropriately based on local conditions and guidelines.
Updated 4/14/2020
Our efforts to improve our live stream continue. If you are having problems watching live you may want to consider watching the taped version at a later time.
We are hopeful that the state will be able to begin to relax some of the social distancing rules by early May and we are in the planning stages for how we can respond as soon as we are able to begin meeting together again in small or large groups.
Stay tuned.
Updated 4/6/2020 10:08am
Easter Week with Friends
Dear Friends,
I wanted to send you some ideas to help you prepare for Easter Week.
Communion – We will share communion on Sunday morning as the body of Christ. Unleavened bread is available just inside the church doors in individually packaged servings. I will provide time for families to share together and even spend a few moments teaching with your children.
Make it special – Dress Up in Easter dresses and hats or decorate your space with a lilies, or get set for communion with pillows in a circle on the floor and pass the bread and juice in a first Passover style. Whatever you do have fun and take a picture (or a Selfie) and send it in to me dandpastor@aol.com or hfriendsc@gmail.com and we will make a montage of them to celebrate.
Jesus – Sight and Sound is making their production “Jesus” available to everyone through free streaming this weekend. I have seen this production and it is wonderful. Take time to sit down on Saturday or Sunday and experience it with your family. You can find the live stream at https://watch.tbn.org/sight-sound-theatres-presents-jesus - you will have to set up a free TBN account to access.
Sunday Sunrise - For those of you who love sunrise service – Pastor Matt will have a devotional podcast ready for you to sit on your front porch and watch the sunrise and join us with a meditation on Easter.
Breakfast – get up early and make a big breakfast for the family and enjoy it prior to our 9am start time for worship.
Fun - Make up your Easter eggs and hide them after the kids go to bed and let them search for them after worship service on Sunday.
Let’s demonstrate to the world that Easter is not about where you are it’s about Jesus. Our celebrations are not limited to physical spaces they are the outpouring of hearts alive with the hope and joy of a living Savior.
Updated 4/3/2020 11:00am
Two actions have been taken over the last 24 hours.
The Phase 3 Covid Response Plan measures have been extended through April 30, 2020.
SBA Paycheck Preservation Program
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (Grant)
As you all know, the social distancing orders set in place to deal with Covid-19 are going to last far longer than any of us anticipated or desired. This leaves us with a need to protect our ministry financially for the long term. Even with strong giving from our members we will need help. Many are without work and there is the potential for the unemployment situation to last significantly longer than the social distancing orders.
The CARES act passed by congress in March opens this help for small businesses and also for non-profit organizations like ours. This Act provides access to funds to help the church during this time of crisis in the amount of approximately $50,000 from the Paycheck Preservation Program and $10,000 from Economic Injury Disaster Loan.
Our Elder Board has taken steps to begin the process of applying for both of these programs to help us stay fiscally solvent and prevent the need for laying off staff during this critical time.
The EFC-ER Oversight Board has both recommended and approved this action. The Oversight Board passed a resolution earlier this week overriding Faith and Practice paragraph 313, C, vi that requires a congregational vote to approve capital debt. This resolution authorizes the Elders and Pastor to apply for Cares Act funding without a congregational vote. Our bylaws have no provision for voting outside of an “in person” meeting which is not possible under current conditions. This resolution applies only to decisions related to the corona pandemic and the resolution will expire when the pandemic is declared over.
Small Business Association PPP – this $50,000 begins as a loan originated at a local bank (First Commonwealth Bank Muncy). The loan is fully backed by the Federal Government and requires no collateral or personal guarantors. Assuming the following criteria are met at the end of 8 weeks we will apply for forgiveness of the loan and the money will be considered a grant to the church. There are no other strings attached to this program.
Money can only be spent on payroll, mortgage interest, rent, or qualifying utilities.
We must maintain the same number of employees and contractors over the 8 week period.
We must apply at the end of 8 weeks and the loan will be forgiven in full.
EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan) Grant – this is a grant to small businesses and non-profits to offset the economic impact of forced closures due to social distancing guidelines. This $10,000 is a grant and there is no need to later apply for forgiveness.
If you care to delve deeper into these programs there is a webinar (1hr) available presented by Injoy Stewardship at www.injoystewardship.com/cares-act.
Updated 3/25/2020 11:40am
COVID-19 Response Update
As you know the response to the Covid-19 virus in our area continues to be a day to day evolving situation. While the current risk in our area remains very low our leadership team has decided that it is prudent for us to move to Phase 3 of our Covid 19 Response Plan. This plan will be in effect until April 6th at which time we will re-evaluate the situation. This means:
Small Group Meetings – All in-person small groups are cancelled until at least April 6th. We are moving as many of these groups to a Web based format as possible as quickly as possible. Watch for details.
Live Streamed Adult Sunday School – Dave Rising, Wyatt Timmins, and Pastor Matt all will be holding their regular classes this Sunday by WebEx a web based meeting platform. Details will be sent on how you can join these groups.
Online Giving – Please remember the church during this time of closure when financial needs continue. You can give online here on the website by clicking the "online giving" button at the top of the page or by regular mail. Thanks for thinking of us.
Social Distancing – We are encouraging all of our members to practice social distancing as prescribed by the CDC to protect not just yourself but others who are most vulnerable. The lower we can keep instances in our community the sooner we can be back together.
Church Building – Our doors remain open but we ask our members not to make social visits so that our staff exposure is limited to ministry opportunities, counseling and other important community activities. If you need help in any way physical, spiritual, or emotional don’t hesitate to call or stop by. We are here for you!
Social Interaction – We are recommending that you use all available means to stay connected during this time. Call people you know, check on them, pray together on the phone or by video call. Please if you know someone who needs help call the church office. We have volunteers standing by to help.
Live Stream Access:
click “live stream” button at the top of the page. If you need help please call the office and Pastor Matt can help you get set up.
Go to our Facebook Page
Go to Youtube.com and search for Hughesville Friends Church
Online Giving Access: click “online giving” button at the top of the page.
More Covid Info Access: www.hughesvillefreinds.org and click the “covid response” button.
Updated 3/19/2020 2:36pm
Covid-19 Response Update
As you know the response to the Covid-19 virus in our area continues to be a day to day evolving situation. After long conversations with the Leadership team we have decided it is prudent and in the best interest both of our congregation and the community we serve that we move to phase two of our action plan. This means:
Closure of our live campus and going to a fully Live Streamed* Service this Sunday. We encourage you to watch from home with your family or a small group of friends. Worship with us (our live praise team will still be here) and learn together from the text. This week Pastor Dan will begin a short 4 week series leading up to Easter Sunday called Prayers of the Cross.
Live Streamed Adult Sunday School – Pastor Dan is working to provide a live streamed* Sunday School class for this Sunday on our Facebook/youtube page
Small groups will continue to meet for the time being using precautions (hand sanitizer, social spacing, small groups under 10).
Giving – please remember the church during this time and help us stay financially viable. Online giving can be accessed easily from the buton above, send in via mail, or drop by and see us in person.
Live Stream Access: from this webpage click “live stream” button at the top of the page. If you need help please call the office and Pastor Matt can help you get set up.
Online Giving Access: from this webpage and click “online giving” button at the top of the page.
Updated 3/18/2020
Our Elder Board met last night and has approved a phased response plan that is now being implemented. We are working hard to comply voluntarily with Governor Wolfe’s recommendations while recognizing our role as providers of essential services. As we have seen in every crisis (floods, school emergency planning, and now pandemics) the church acts in the role of emotional, spiritual, and physical first responders. Every day we stand alongside fire, police and medical personnel to provide guidance, comfort, services and support to families in crisis moments. We are balancing that first responder role with our responsibility to guard and protect the safety of the most vulnerable among us. Even if you are healthy and at low risk, remember that if you are exposed you may transmit the virus to someone who is vulnerable. This is another reason to practice social distancing and other precautions.
Our highlights of the phased plan are detailed below. Please watch for updates as our response is likely to change day to day.
Phase One – We are currently implementing this phase.
Day School closed (will follow Public School actions)
Friends Feeding Friends (new distribution methods)
Senior Dinners Cancelled till further notice
Extra-curricular (non-ministry) activities are being cancelled
Begin shifting to live stream as a primary delivery mechanism to protect those at highest risk. Help those in need to connect.
Leaning into our bible study and small group formats
Reinforcing our Virtual Campus
Physical precautions on church campus
Reinforcing online and mail based giving
Phase Two -
Closure of Sunday morning Service gathering
Live Stream will continue
Focus on small group meetings and limiting exposure (less than 10 people)
Encouraging the development of small groups and online groups (service watch groups, bible studies, and service groups)
Phase Three
Cancellation of all small and large group gatherings
Continue live stream church services
Begin small group web based meetings during the week
PD will produce live and taped bible studies for families
Leadership will maintain a strong presence
Focus on small group service projects to help those affected in our community
Development of an emergency service center of volunteers and staff to meet community needs.
We are currently in phase one implementation and will likely be in phase two by this weekend depending on developments this week. We will communicate next steps as soon as decisions are made.
God is with us in this so don’t waste this moment - be the light of Jesus to the world around you.
Pastor Dan
Updated 3/16/2020 - 12:00pm
At the time of this writing no cases have been reported in Lycoming County or adjacent counties but there is reasonable expectation that this will change quickly over the coming days. As conditions change we will make changes as well. At present we are continuing our worship service as scheduled and all of our small groups (with the exception of those listed below). We encourage you to use good hand hygiene (washing) practices and to limit physical contact at these meetings.
Currently the following steps have been taken:
Day School has been closed and will follow the Public Schools schedule
Friends Feeding Friends – change in distribution to limit group exposure
Senior Dinner Cancelled for March
Hand Sanitizer placed at all major entrances with alert sign
We request that anyone who is sick or has a sick family member stay home and join us by live stream. If there are needs (groceries, sundries, help) we can help with call the church office.
Use Live Stream to join us if you cannot come to service. (Go to our web page and click the Live Stream Button at the top of the page)
Request that people limit physical contact (no hand shaking etc.)
I would remind you all that in times like this our attendance goes down and offerings go down as well but expenses do not change. To help us remain financially viable during times of crisis please consider either giving by mail or online giving to help. You can access online giving from our website www.hughesvillefriends.org.
This page details our ongoing response to developments surrounding the Covid-19 virus in our community. The links below will take you to appropriate resources for information, safety and response.
As of the time of this post no cases have been reported in Lycoming Co. or adjacent counties but there is reasonable expectation that this will change quickly over the coming days.
If the virus spreads to our area we are prepared to take all necessary steps to protect our congregation and our community.
In the mean time we are suggesting these responsible precautions:
If you are one of those who are at high risk we encourage you to join us on Sunday mornings by live stream rather than in person. If you need help connecting, call the office and we will do all we can to make this available to you. If you have an internet connection it’s very easy. There is a link on the home page that will take you to the live stream each Sunday morning.
If you or your children are feeling sick or running a fever please stay home, take care of yourself and protect others by joining us by live stream.
Pastor Dan will not be greeting people at the rear doors after service for the next several weeks.
Please remember that as attendance and giving drop our expenses remain the same - consider online giving or giving by mail to sustain our missional efforts to reach our community.
We suggest you use reasonable precautions and hand washing techniques before and after service once again to minimize risk.